Metal Spill (Norway 264 pins), 2020

Bushfire Effect, 2020

Fictional visualisation of bushfires digitally created on a found vintage postcard, 'Devils Hoek, Drakensberg - Natal'

OCEAN (interlude), 2019 - 2020

Digital collage of 35mm colour film scans

Tilthornet Reimagined, 2018 - 2019

Digital collage of a found vintage postcard 'Tilthornet' and a 35mm black and white image from Iceland

(re)Imagined Landscapes

2019 - ongoing

(re)Imagined Landscapes is an ongoing body of work that recycles found imagery and vintage postcards blended with my own archive of photographic works using analogue and digital processes to create ‘reimagined’ landscapes. The series was instigated as a result of and an extension to my long-term series, Salt and Light which draws on the effects of climate change and investigates the degrading landscapes and ecologies.

(re)Imagined Landscapes also draws on some of the natural disasters and visualises their effects on our landscapes, ecologies and human life. ‘Bushfire Effect’ was inspired by and created during the devastating bushfire that consumed New South Wales, Australia. The work is a digital visualisation of bushfires created using recycled postcard, titled ‘Devils Hoek, Drakensberg, Natal’ in South Africa - a location thousands of miles away but roughly situated (geographically) on the map where New South Wales, AU bushfires started.

This body of work is informed by digitally repurposed pieces, repetition of old works reworked to create new iterations to continue the cycle of each piece as an act of image and land preservation. The series is also informed by experimental printing process using recycle materials and is emphasised where this method has been employed.